Sunday, April 19, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Prepping with Your Family

Preppers love to prepare for disasters, cataclysmic events, pandemics, and even the apocalypse! We live in uncertain and dangerous times, and these disasters are a very real possibility. But it’s not enough that you’re the only one in the family who’s doing all the job of stockpiling and learning skills. Each member, even the kids, must be self-reliant and prepared for whatever may come to ensure everyone’s survival.
Primitive Survivors

The SHTF scenario is a very real threat to most areas of our society. Here are three basic things you need to remember for your family’s continued safety, health, and well-being

Have a Checklist of Every Member’s Needs

Have a checklist for every family member’s needs during every scenario. Then, start stockpiling on these items. The following are some factors you may need to consider when creating a checklist:
  • Water storage plan
  • Food storage plan
  • First aid kit for adults and kids
  • Hygiene and toilet needs
  • Communication device for every member (cellphones)
  • Weapons and firearms 
You will also need a checklist of the essential things each member will bring when bugging out. This is called the bugout bag. Pack your kids’ bugout bags on the light side. There should be no more than ⅓ of their body weight.
Kids will need hard candies in their bugout bags for energy and a survival bandana with information on navigating and survival tips.
Stockpiling and preparing bugout bags is usually left to the adults’ tasks, but make sure to communicate with your kids about things they might need that you don’t know about, such as their childhood teddy bear or their warmest jacket. 

Practice Your Survival Plan

This is the most basic important part. One of the mistakes that families make when prepping is they tend to plan more and practice less. Prepping means putting your skills and knowledge to the test before disaster strikes.
All your planning may fall short if you don’t practice these things in reality. In fact, even years of research and a huge supply of food will not guarantee your plan’s success. Without testing your survival strategy for each event, you can’t guarantee that it really works. 
Have trial runs for as long as you intend to keep a survival plan. Twice a year for each disaster is highly recommended. Make sure they make a mental note of each detail of the evacuation process. Know if their bugout bag is too heavy or if they can easily exit the house in just a minute. What would you guys do if the family isn’t together during an earthquake? Don’t take all of these little things for granted.
Another tip we can give you is to practice realistic threats before fixating doomsday. Yes, everyone should practice what to do when a deadly pandemic, chemical terrorism, or a nuclear fallout strikes, but think of natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes as well. 
Focus your survival prepping on common threats that are most likely to happen, especially in your area.

Teach Your Kids Survival and Prepping Skills

Essential worst-case scenario stockpiling includes water, food, weapons, and other survival gear. But all these mean nothing if you don’t know survival skills. Never get lulled into a feeling of false security. Having a fully stocked survival storehouse doesn’t guarantee sustainable survival. Everyone, especially kids, must know some survival and prepping skills.
Here are some ideas that will involve your children in prepping:
  • Go fishing
  • Go camping
  • Check the pantry together
  • Grow a garden with them
  • Learn how to create fire and review fire safety
  •  Teach first-aid skills
  • Provide self-defense instruction
Let your kids and the rest of the family know your neighbors too. Having a good support network is a priceless asset during times of need.
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