Sunday, April 12, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Hunting Myths That Can Ruin Your Game

Hunting is a very controversial activity in the United States, and this tradition is full of jokes, rituals, and myths throughout the generations. This may leave newcomers, and even long-time aficionados, having many misconceptions about how to hunt certain animals, leaving them unsuccessful in the harvest.
Here are some common myths we debunked about deer, boar, turkey, and bear hunting!

Bucks Head to the Hills When the Shooting Starts

A deer’s instinct is to survive with the resources at hand, and fear prevents it from seeking refuge in unknown territory. This is most evident in the eastern US where deer live in relatively small places with ample food and cover.
Research states that whitetails seldom stray too far and long from their home. One of their survival techniques is familiarity, especially in thick cover. If a whitetail lives in open terrain, its home range might be larger, and then its best defense might be putting more ground between itself and the threat

One Type of Call for Turkeys is Enough

It’s important to have many possibilities when it comes to calling, although this strategy is not everything. Try using a different striker on your pot to make different sounding calls. Anything you can do to make different noises will help when you learn which situations call for each sound.  

Roosted Turkeys Guarantee Harvest

Don’t have high expectations when it comes to roosted gobblers! Remember that nothing is ever certain when it comes to hunting. If you managed to follow a gobbler up to his roost in the evening, it’s ideal to go back in after him the next morning. However, this still doesn’t guarantee harvest because turkeys move around in the night, so your gobbler may tap the tree. They might move a few trees over or even miles away.
I recommend going back in and waiting for the gobbler to come down for a fair harvest. Again, they may move around at night, so you may not find them where you left them.

Moon Phases are Important in Deer Hunting

This may be true, though. But many other things are more reliable for a more successful harvest, like the weather forecast. Moon phases can affect deer movement, but probably not in the way you think. And besides, while some of the theories are were well thought out and implemented, there is almost no hard, scientific evidence showing a clear correlation between the moon phase and deer movement. 

Hogs Can’t See

One of the greatest misconceptions is that hogs are blind. They are not blind, but they also don’t have a clear vision. This isn’t entirely true because they can see movement. A pig’s view of the world is usually limited because their heads are low to the ground. But a big hog’s eyes are no more than 30 inches above the ground, so their peripheral vision is not the best.
Although they can’t see as greatly as humans, they can spot movement from 200 yards and be alert as possible. There’s nothing like a good cold front to get bucks on their feet!  

It’s Harder to Spot-and-Stalk Hunt than Bear-Bait

Spot-and-stalk hunting is a great way to hunt brown bears, but many think that it is an elite form of hunting when it really isn’t. Again, nothing is ever certain when it comes to hunting. On the bright side, though, while a spot-and-stalk mission is extremely challenging, there are other times when it works out so easily. You will usually have as many or more chances at bears by spot-and-stalk than with bait in the right terrain.
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