Sunday, April 26, 2020

Primitive Survivors - How to Access Communication & Internet when Living Off the Grid

Almost every household across the United States is linked to a power grid that provides power and is also connected to water sources so you can drink from your tap and also use your toilet without even thinking about it.
Primitive Survivors
But living off-grid usually requires you to plant, hunt, and find your own water. They usually don’t have electricity so it’s hard to connect to the internet. But is it possible to stay connected while being off the grid? How can you check on your loved one if you do not have power? Read on to find all the answers to your question!

Why Off-Grid Communication is Important

No matter how primitive and simple you want to be, having an internet connection in this age has made a lot of things easier. We use it to contact our loved ones and stay updated about the country. For preppers and survivalists, off-grid communication can guarantee our safety during disasters, possible terror attacks, and many more. 
If you think you can survive without the internet, you can try other communication devices like walkie-talkies, texting, meshing, and more.
A mesh network relies on users, not a central point. Most mobile users use the start network that may be unreliable because once the phone towers are damaged, the network is dead. In a mesh network, if two users are within range of each other, they can communicate. Only phones that are paired with their own individual device will be able to join the network, so not anyone can just drop into your conversation.

How to Have Access to the Internet and Communication Off-Grid

There are a few ways you can go online to work and connect with your loved ones even when you live in the middle of nowhere. Consider these four options.

Data Plan

Data plans for smartphones are the most ideal way to have access to the internet when living off the grid. Having one can enable you to tether your smartphone to your laptop, meaning your phone can be a wireless hub that will allow other computer devices to connect to the internet. 
Ask your service providers about the plans they offer. Some provide unlimited data ever month, while others don’t. Be persistent, especially if a competitor provider offers a current plan better than the one you have. You never know what kind of unadvertised deals you can arrange.

Dial-Up Internet

Dial-up internet is probably something you’re familiar with. And yes, they still exist despite their limits like not being able to easily watch videos. In fact, over 2 million Americans still use them as it saves them a lot of money. They even when the electricity is out because landlines would still be working. Because they are operated by the phone company, landlines would still be available when a storm knocks out electricity to your town.

HAM Radio

HAM radios have been around way before the internet. It was the most reliable means of communication during any disaster. That makes it an ideal venue for attempting to provide Internet access to people in an emergency. Even sailors used it at sea!
You can use a HAM radio if you want to live off-grid to feel like the old days. They will allow you to send texts, send files, and even control systems through a ham radio. Packet radio technology can link to stations in remote places, providing you with a sort of “internet.”
Here’s a simple tutorial on how to use HAM radios

Satellite Internet

Satellite internet is perhaps the most common internet type in off-grid situations because of the fast connectivity rate. You can receive emails faster, download files much easier, and connect with your loved ones more conveniently. It can be used anywhere that a satellite dish can be placed, which is why it is so useful for people living off the grid in rural areas. All you have to do to have one is to contact your local satellite provider and see what packages they offer.
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