Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Complete Guide On Hiking Tips For Women

If you are a woman hiking for the first time, then it is important that you take care of certain things to avoid any issues in the future. As women, we should at all times endeavor to avoid the following things during our trekking adventures.

  • Always avoid hiking during adverse weather conditions. This might be for instance during conditions of hot sun or rainy weather. These have their own effects not restricted to health effects.
  • Women should at all times avoid going off the trail during trekking. This is since going off trail may delay the achieving of the hiking objectives. Going off trail might also make one to get lost, and other unprecedented things may take place. So, it is very essential to maintain your route during your hikes.
  • If potential, equipment failure should always be avoided during the hike. If it is shoes made for a trek, they should always be fit for purpose. Carrying bags should be made strong and all the concerned equipment should be able to carry the reason they were made to.
  • In addition, women should always avoid going unaided. This might be an easy trap resulting in unforeseen events such as kidnapping. Particularly, young girls should always be accompanied by their seniors to avoid such effects arising from going alone.
After following these simple steps, you will soon find yourself having achieved your hiking goals. Never allow the lack of hike experience to delay you from achieving your hiking objectives when you can read these few steps outlined in this post. Last but not least, it will assist to get numerous benefits not just limited to health, mental and physical benefits but also including social benefits.
Health Benefits of hiking for women
  • By trekking for an hour, more than five hundred calories are burned from your body. This enhances your general body fitness.
  • Hiking is a vital exercise in the deterrence of few diseases such as diabetes by the lowering of the blood sugar level. In addition, trekking has been proved to reduce the blood pressure of a person and also the cholesterol levels
  • It can assist to reduce the depression levels. It is an added therapy that can assist to lessen high levels of depression. Due to this, it has led to the decrease of the adverse effects related to depression such as suicides.
  • Hiking improves the anti-oxidative ability of the people and may even help cancer patients to recover.
  • Hiking is essential for the control of body weight. Through trekking, the average body weight of a normal person is maintained. This assists to reduce the chances of obesity and also donates to a healthy living usually.
Primitive Survivors has been established with the idea of satisfying each woman, man, or child's primal side.  Since the inception of PrimitiveSurvivors in the year January 2016, the company aims to offer some of the best hacks on their blog for the customers’ outdoor experience. Go through Primitive Survivors reviews to know more about the services that they offer.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Primitive Survivors - How to Access Communication & Internet when Living Off the Grid

Almost every household across the United States is linked to a power grid that provides power and is also connected to water sources so you can drink from your tap and also use your toilet without even thinking about it.
Primitive Survivors
But living off-grid usually requires you to plant, hunt, and find your own water. They usually don’t have electricity so it’s hard to connect to the internet. But is it possible to stay connected while being off the grid? How can you check on your loved one if you do not have power? Read on to find all the answers to your question!

Why Off-Grid Communication is Important

No matter how primitive and simple you want to be, having an internet connection in this age has made a lot of things easier. We use it to contact our loved ones and stay updated about the country. For preppers and survivalists, off-grid communication can guarantee our safety during disasters, possible terror attacks, and many more. 
If you think you can survive without the internet, you can try other communication devices like walkie-talkies, texting, meshing, and more.
A mesh network relies on users, not a central point. Most mobile users use the start network that may be unreliable because once the phone towers are damaged, the network is dead. In a mesh network, if two users are within range of each other, they can communicate. Only phones that are paired with their own individual device will be able to join the network, so not anyone can just drop into your conversation.

How to Have Access to the Internet and Communication Off-Grid

There are a few ways you can go online to work and connect with your loved ones even when you live in the middle of nowhere. Consider these four options.

Data Plan

Data plans for smartphones are the most ideal way to have access to the internet when living off the grid. Having one can enable you to tether your smartphone to your laptop, meaning your phone can be a wireless hub that will allow other computer devices to connect to the internet. 
Ask your service providers about the plans they offer. Some provide unlimited data ever month, while others don’t. Be persistent, especially if a competitor provider offers a current plan better than the one you have. You never know what kind of unadvertised deals you can arrange.

Dial-Up Internet

Dial-up internet is probably something you’re familiar with. And yes, they still exist despite their limits like not being able to easily watch videos. In fact, over 2 million Americans still use them as it saves them a lot of money. They even when the electricity is out because landlines would still be working. Because they are operated by the phone company, landlines would still be available when a storm knocks out electricity to your town.

HAM Radio

HAM radios have been around way before the internet. It was the most reliable means of communication during any disaster. That makes it an ideal venue for attempting to provide Internet access to people in an emergency. Even sailors used it at sea!
You can use a HAM radio if you want to live off-grid to feel like the old days. They will allow you to send texts, send files, and even control systems through a ham radio. Packet radio technology can link to stations in remote places, providing you with a sort of “internet.”
Here’s a simple tutorial on how to use HAM radios

Satellite Internet

Satellite internet is perhaps the most common internet type in off-grid situations because of the fast connectivity rate. You can receive emails faster, download files much easier, and connect with your loved ones more conveniently. It can be used anywhere that a satellite dish can be placed, which is why it is so useful for people living off the grid in rural areas. All you have to do to have one is to contact your local satellite provider and see what packages they offer.
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Thursday, April 23, 2020

Primitive Survivors - How To Track Animals Besides Tracks

Tracking isn’t just the search for clear footprints. There are many more traces that animals leave behind. The search for these other indicators is called sign tracking, and it can be used in almost any environment. This method of tracking involves the signs, marks, disturbances, and leavings of an animal. Trails, beds, rubs, and chews can give a general idea of the species that are present. Hairs, feathers, and droppings can tell us exactly which animals are nearby. It’s important to learn to track by looking for these common animal signs, because in some terrains—it’s all you’ll have.
Primitive Survivors
Look For Trails And Runs
These signs are equivalent to the highways and side roads that animals use to go between feeding areas, bedding areas, cover and water sources. Some trails are used by many different species, while runs are typically used by just a few animals or even just one species. In trails, you may see a few different tracks and pushed down vegetation. For trails, you’ll often find that they are worn down to bare dirt or rock, and filled with a variety of tracks. Since trails are the superhighway of the wild, they are heavily used and they rarely change. Trails are usually not a great place to set traps, since larger animals may just knock them down. Runs are better suited for trap placement.

Find A Bed

For the animals that don’t make nests (like deer), they will often bed down in fields and thickets. Some beds are used only once, and they can be seen as an oval depression in the vegetation. More frequently used beds may show a greater disturbance. Some animals will only make beds in thick vegetation and brush, to better hide from predators.

Spot A Feeding Area

These places are species specific and seasonal. Feeding areas can be berry patches, grassy areas, open spaces in the forest, or almost any other spot that can provide nutrition. You may find places that are crisscrossed with runs, as the animals feed on vegetation. You may even see a place where an animal has eaten its way through a patch of vegetation, eating through and coming out the other side. By examining the actual chews in a feeding area, we can also make an informed guess about the animals using it. Vegetation with a clean 45 degree cut has likely been bitten by the sharp incisors of a rodent. Small serrations on grass are typically made as deer pull grass up against upper palette and their lower teeth cut the blades of glass (deer don’t have teeth in the front on their upper jaw). Vegetation that has been pierced full of holes has probably been chewed by a sharp toothed predator (think of the way your dog or cat chews grass for fiber and minerals). You might also find gnaw marks from rodents. This can occur on nuts that have been chewed by squirrels or mice, or on wood chewed by a beaver.

Locate Rubs And Scratches

Commonly found along trails and runs, rubs are places where an animal will rub against a tree or some other object. They may do this to scratch themselves or mark the territory with their scent. As an example, deer bucks will rub their antlers against small tree trunks to develop their neck muscles and to display dominance, says Bowman. This can be either intentional or unintentional.

Watch For Hair And Feathers

If you are very alert, you may even start to find hairs or feathers. When deer rub under low hanging vines and branches, I can sometimes find hairs stuck in the rough bark. At an animal rub, you may also find a spot where the hair gets snagged. Beds are another site to look for hairs or feathers, and of course – kill sites will have clumps of hair or feathers from an animal that was devoured.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Health And Safety Standards To Follow While Trekking

Trekking is very satisfying and a lifetime experience. While trekking is not hazardous, health and safety should always be kept in mind. When going for trekking, the tour companies always carefully select to ensure that you get an as good and safe trekking experience as possible. However, it is still recommended that you always prepare yourself as much as possible and go through the below information on altitude sickness, safety and health while trekking. They may come in handy.

Health and safety before trekking
  • Ensure you have appropriate clothing for all weather conditions. Please be prepared for adverse weather conditions.
  • Be insurance ready so that the expenses for a helicopter emergency evacuation or other emergency situations are covered, if required, bring the insurance details with you.
  • The water is usually not clean, not even at high altitudes. Thus, always bring water purifying tablets, carbon filters or alike.
  • Personal hygiene is essential to avoid getting sick. Disinfection gel or hand sanitizer will get you far.
  • Always bring you mobile phone with you. It may not always get connection but if it can and you need it, you will be glad you brought it. An alternate is to bring a satellite telephone.
  • Bring first aid kit, particularly if you are trekking alone. Usually it is highly suggested to always bring a guide while trekking in the Himalayas.
  • While trekking may sound cold, during the long days of hiking you may get lots of sun. Thus, always bring sunscreen, sunglasses and a sun hat.
  • Bring a torch as electricity is usually scarce in the trekking spots.
  • If the trekking route ascends higher than 3,000 m, please go through about Altitude Sickness carefully.
Health and Safety –while trekking
  • Always stay on the mountain side while you hang around and do not get close to any ridges. Remember that mules and yaks often carry heavy and wide loads so they may unintentionally kick you off the mountain, if you are not careful enough.
  • Do not drink alcohol. It dehydrates you and thus enhances the risk of altitude sickness if above 3,000 m.
  • Always trek with a guide.
  • While trekking above 3,000 m do not ascend quickly. Usually it is not suggested to ascend more than 3-500 m per day as doing so will increase the risk of Acute Mountain Sickness significantly.
  • Always carry rain kit and warm cloths, in case of sudden change in weather.
  • If possible, get some weather information enroute so as to not get caught in unfavorable weather circumstances.
  • Lots of sun and much walking are aspects that will dehydrate and de-energize you quickly. Please have enough water and snacks nearby. Staying hydrated will assist to avoid getting altitude sickness.
  • Bring a compass, map and potentially a GPS so that you always know your location.
  • Listen to the advice offered by your guide and trekking agency.
Primitive Survivors has been established with the idea of satisfying each woman, man, or child's primal side.  Since the inception of PrimitiveSurvivors in the year January 2016, the company aims to offer some of the best hacks on their blog for the customers’ outdoor experience. Go through Primitive Survivors reviews to know more about the services that they offer.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Prepping with Your Family

Preppers love to prepare for disasters, cataclysmic events, pandemics, and even the apocalypse! We live in uncertain and dangerous times, and these disasters are a very real possibility. But it’s not enough that you’re the only one in the family who’s doing all the job of stockpiling and learning skills. Each member, even the kids, must be self-reliant and prepared for whatever may come to ensure everyone’s survival.
Primitive Survivors

The SHTF scenario is a very real threat to most areas of our society. Here are three basic things you need to remember for your family’s continued safety, health, and well-being

Have a Checklist of Every Member’s Needs

Have a checklist for every family member’s needs during every scenario. Then, start stockpiling on these items. The following are some factors you may need to consider when creating a checklist:
  • Water storage plan
  • Food storage plan
  • First aid kit for adults and kids
  • Hygiene and toilet needs
  • Communication device for every member (cellphones)
  • Weapons and firearms 
You will also need a checklist of the essential things each member will bring when bugging out. This is called the bugout bag. Pack your kids’ bugout bags on the light side. There should be no more than ⅓ of their body weight.
Kids will need hard candies in their bugout bags for energy and a survival bandana with information on navigating and survival tips.
Stockpiling and preparing bugout bags is usually left to the adults’ tasks, but make sure to communicate with your kids about things they might need that you don’t know about, such as their childhood teddy bear or their warmest jacket. 

Practice Your Survival Plan

This is the most basic important part. One of the mistakes that families make when prepping is they tend to plan more and practice less. Prepping means putting your skills and knowledge to the test before disaster strikes.
All your planning may fall short if you don’t practice these things in reality. In fact, even years of research and a huge supply of food will not guarantee your plan’s success. Without testing your survival strategy for each event, you can’t guarantee that it really works. 
Have trial runs for as long as you intend to keep a survival plan. Twice a year for each disaster is highly recommended. Make sure they make a mental note of each detail of the evacuation process. Know if their bugout bag is too heavy or if they can easily exit the house in just a minute. What would you guys do if the family isn’t together during an earthquake? Don’t take all of these little things for granted.
Another tip we can give you is to practice realistic threats before fixating doomsday. Yes, everyone should practice what to do when a deadly pandemic, chemical terrorism, or a nuclear fallout strikes, but think of natural disasters like hurricanes or earthquakes as well. 
Focus your survival prepping on common threats that are most likely to happen, especially in your area.

Teach Your Kids Survival and Prepping Skills

Essential worst-case scenario stockpiling includes water, food, weapons, and other survival gear. But all these mean nothing if you don’t know survival skills. Never get lulled into a feeling of false security. Having a fully stocked survival storehouse doesn’t guarantee sustainable survival. Everyone, especially kids, must know some survival and prepping skills.
Here are some ideas that will involve your children in prepping:
  • Go fishing
  • Go camping
  • Check the pantry together
  • Grow a garden with them
  • Learn how to create fire and review fire safety
  •  Teach first-aid skills
  • Provide self-defense instruction
Let your kids and the rest of the family know your neighbors too. Having a good support network is a priceless asset during times of need.
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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Can You Go Outdoors During a Self-Quarantine Policy?

COVID-19 or the novel coronavirus might not be eradicated for months or even years. Unfortunately, the cases have only been increasing, with more than 1,300,000 worldwide and over 360,000 in the US. The cities and states are taking various measures to stop the spread of the virus, ordering establishments to temporarily close down, and calling on citizens to practice social distancing and stay at home. All these policies aim to flatten the curve and prevent the healthcare system from being overloaded.
Primitive Survivors
While staying at home could save millions of lives, it’s not easy for everyone. Being cooped up inside the home can be tricky, and many of us want to know if it’s okay to go outside during a self-quarantine. During a shelter-in-place order, which locations are adopting? Where can you go and how long are you allowed to be outdoors? Can you spend a few hours in the national park? Can you still go out with your fellow hikers while also practicing physical distancing? Here are all the answers to your questions!

Can I go outside while my area is under a shelter-in-place order?

Unless given an all-clear command,  a shelter-in-place order means finding a safe location indoors and staying there. So obviously, you need to stay inside and away from others as much as possible, although you are not banned from going outside. If you are not infected nor suspect exposure to the infection, then feel free to go out. The government usually encourages people to still go out for their physical and mental health. However, you need to be extra careful when going outdoors! 

Is it okay to go for a walk around the block or to the park?

Yes. People may still go out for their essential needs like seeking medical attention, getting groceries, and other reasons. However, while you can enjoy the outdoor lifestyle, you are still supposed to practice social distancing by staying six feet away from others all the time.

Can I go for a hike?

If you have the means to go to an urban park or go outside the city in your own vehicle to limit your contact with people, then you can surely go for a hike. However, it may not be feasible to go hiking in state parks or national parks. We’ll provide a discussion about these parks later on.

Can I exercise outside?

Many gyms are closed this quarantine season, but you can still climb walls or stairs, jog outdoors, or better yet, just use your treadmill at home for working out. Using your indoor recreation area can help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Can I Go to the National Park?

Going to national parks may be a great way to un-stress yourself from the pandemic, but remember that lots of other people may also be considering it. Chances are, you’ll be in contact with many people instead of trying to isolate yourself. Some national and state parks have reported significant spikes in camping reservations ever since the corona outbreak, so it may not be the best idea. Also, many camping areas are being closed down to avoid people from gathering in groups in th wilderness in the middle of a pandemic. Most national parks that are open have waived entry fees during this unstable economic and healthcare event. 
Make sure to check what national parks are open in your area before heading out. And make sure not to go out in large groups, but only with people whom you are sheltering in place with. Keep your distance when encountering people in the areas or trails.

The Bottomline

You can still enjoy a hike or camp in the woods during this pandemic, as long as you do not have or suspect you have coronavirus and are simply living in a place with a shelter-in-home order. You can also go out for a walk to relieve your stress or do your workout! Just remember to practice social distancing and only go with people whom you live with.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Primary Health Benefits Of Trekking That Everyone Should Know

Most people know the significance of exercise. But, with the busy lives, it is fundamental to prioritize the activity that offers us the most noteworthy health benefit.  Working out at a gym may appear less than desirable after a day of sitting at a desk in the office. It is not amazing that a growing number of people are beginning to trench the gym and have started striking the trails to improve their health. Moreover, the great news is that just half an hour of hiking or walking can make an incredible impact on your health.
Trekking in the mountainous areas offers a vast range of benefits to our soul, body, and, mind. Hiking and backpacking in the outdoors offer so many health benefits that, range from the mental to physical and the spiritual. There is something gratifying, naturally majestic, which eventually offers an abundance of confidence as you enhance your habit of trekking in the lap of Mother Nature.
  • Experience the rich ecology
You can come across an unusual species of diverse wildlife, birds, and stunning plants along with trees that have medicinal valuable healing properties that can be spotted in crowded cities rarely.
  • Enhanced Fitness and Weight Loss
Numerous surveys show that extensive period of daily hiking with a rucksack between six to eight hours changes the body into a capable testosterone-fueled and fat burning machine. Trekking includes walking up and downhills.
  • Revitalized heart and lungs
You can get fresh, clean air with improves your respiratory system and ability of the lungs. The more fresh air you breathe, the more able your lungs become; the more blood the heart pumps, the better it gets. Hiking for more comprehensive periods with a backpack makes for a great cardiovascular workout, particularly when you push yourself to a point when talking becomes quite complex. Offering yourself a good exercise not only revitalizes your heart but also reduces blood pressure and cholesterol.
  • Perseverance and Discipline
Long walking while persistent to reach a destination, examines the hiker’s determination and patience. The trekkers have to obey a few rules and remain disciplined on the mountains as the hills have their share of risks. Trekking can be an alone activity or in a group. If trekking in a group, teamwork needs to be entailed while walking with the team. Assisting each other adds to the entertaining of the journey while inspiring the less experienced hikers.
  • Longer life
Research has established that just trekking for 8 kilometers at a slow pace is adequate to decrease the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and heart failures slightly above thirty percent. Eight kilometers is predictable at around 10,000 steps. Researchers have also shown that staying active is a noteworthy way to lessen that risk of cancer. Working out reduces the estrogen in your bloodstream, which can be the primary reason why breast cancer in active women is less likely.

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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Hunting Myths That Can Ruin Your Game

Hunting is a very controversial activity in the United States, and this tradition is full of jokes, rituals, and myths throughout the generations. This may leave newcomers, and even long-time aficionados, having many misconceptions about how to hunt certain animals, leaving them unsuccessful in the harvest.
Here are some common myths we debunked about deer, boar, turkey, and bear hunting!

Bucks Head to the Hills When the Shooting Starts

A deer’s instinct is to survive with the resources at hand, and fear prevents it from seeking refuge in unknown territory. This is most evident in the eastern US where deer live in relatively small places with ample food and cover.
Research states that whitetails seldom stray too far and long from their home. One of their survival techniques is familiarity, especially in thick cover. If a whitetail lives in open terrain, its home range might be larger, and then its best defense might be putting more ground between itself and the threat

One Type of Call for Turkeys is Enough

It’s important to have many possibilities when it comes to calling, although this strategy is not everything. Try using a different striker on your pot to make different sounding calls. Anything you can do to make different noises will help when you learn which situations call for each sound.  

Roosted Turkeys Guarantee Harvest

Don’t have high expectations when it comes to roosted gobblers! Remember that nothing is ever certain when it comes to hunting. If you managed to follow a gobbler up to his roost in the evening, it’s ideal to go back in after him the next morning. However, this still doesn’t guarantee harvest because turkeys move around in the night, so your gobbler may tap the tree. They might move a few trees over or even miles away.
I recommend going back in and waiting for the gobbler to come down for a fair harvest. Again, they may move around at night, so you may not find them where you left them.

Moon Phases are Important in Deer Hunting

This may be true, though. But many other things are more reliable for a more successful harvest, like the weather forecast. Moon phases can affect deer movement, but probably not in the way you think. And besides, while some of the theories are were well thought out and implemented, there is almost no hard, scientific evidence showing a clear correlation between the moon phase and deer movement. 

Hogs Can’t See

One of the greatest misconceptions is that hogs are blind. They are not blind, but they also don’t have a clear vision. This isn’t entirely true because they can see movement. A pig’s view of the world is usually limited because their heads are low to the ground. But a big hog’s eyes are no more than 30 inches above the ground, so their peripheral vision is not the best.
Although they can’t see as greatly as humans, they can spot movement from 200 yards and be alert as possible. There’s nothing like a good cold front to get bucks on their feet!  

It’s Harder to Spot-and-Stalk Hunt than Bear-Bait

Spot-and-stalk hunting is a great way to hunt brown bears, but many think that it is an elite form of hunting when it really isn’t. Again, nothing is ever certain when it comes to hunting. On the bright side, though, while a spot-and-stalk mission is extremely challenging, there are other times when it works out so easily. You will usually have as many or more chances at bears by spot-and-stalk than with bait in the right terrain.
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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Basic Fishing Skills to Teach Your Kids

So you want to pass on your love of fishing to your kids. Many avid anglers feel excited doing this but don’t know when and how to start. Truth is, kids of all ages can go fishing, as long as you match the trip to their age. We’ll walk you through a few basic fishing skills that you should teach your kids, as well as additional tips to make the trip more enjoyable!
How to Choose Bait
Teach your kids how to choose bait for fishing. Tell them what fish eat. Live baits are anything alive or previously alive that you use to catch fish, such as worms, leeches, minnows, crayfish, crickets, and grasshoppers. Artificial bait includes spinners, jigs, poppers, flies, and spoons that come in various sizes, styles, colors, and patterns. 
Fish like both artificial and live bait, but there are advantages and disadvantages to both of them. It’s important that your kids know this. 


Casting is another important fishing skill that your kids should learn to start them young. Try practicing this even in your backyard! First, tie your heaviest bobbers onto the end of your kids’ fishing lines. Set a hula-hoop in your yard. Your kids should stand about 5 feet away from the hoop, and cast their lines so their bobbers land in the hoop.
Through time, they can practice further and further away from the hoop. To make it challenging, make the target smaller by using a frisbee, a bucket, or a hoop from a basketball net.

Baiting a Hook

Teach your kids to bait their own hooks as well! Since they won’t have to wait for someone else to help them bait, your kids will do more fishing and they’ll gain a sense of confidence in being able to do it themselves.
If you think your little one is still too young to hold live bait, try using gummy worms and practicing on oversized, barbless hooks. 

How to Reel in Fish

Once your kid knows how to bait a hook and cast, teach them to reel in the fish properly. Now, this can get a bit tricky. Tell them to relax and let the drag and rod do the work. Assist them in keeping the fishing rod up at a 45-degree angle, aiming it straight to the fish. 
Once the fish stops trying to move away, then it’s time for them to do the work. Without reeling the fish in, lift the tip of the rod up like they are trying to point it skyward to about 90 degrees. A stronger, or heavier fish will often put a major bend in your fishing rod, but don’t worry this is normal. Then, let them reel as they lower the rod tip back down, keeping even pressure on the fish.

Go Fishing with Your Kids!

Fishing with your kids is a great family activity! When looking for locations, look online or ask around. The local tackle shop is a great place to get some help. Try bringing the kids with you when you visit the store. Have them observe while you ask for pointers on where to go, productive baits for the area, and information on fishing regulations and fishing licenses.
Remember to plan the trip according to their age. Older kids will want more challenge but younger ones will get tired easily. Set a time limit and try bringing some toys for them to do when they’ve had enough fishing. 
Another tip we have is to use basic gear. The key items include a fishing rod, fishing line, knife for cutting the line, and the bait.
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