Sunday, August 25, 2019

Primitive Survivors - Summer Camping Continues: Do’s And Don’ts

Even if you at work every day, the summer season is still right before you. The sun is hotter than ever, the temperatures are high, and the winter is not happening until after fall. The family might have had their first summer adventures this year during holidays from the latter parts of June to this day. However, you might want to take advantage of the entire season to camp once more. It is not as easy as 1-2-3, so here are the guidelines, the do’s and don’ts of summer camping. 
Primitive Survivors

Summer Camping Do’s

  1. Decide on the camp
Responsible campers would research the camp location, and quite a few others will travel to the camp itself to check it out before heading with the entire family. If you are taking your children to a summer camp, you might want to speak with the teachers and their counselors about the nature of the environment. Safety is of primary concern. Among the resources to consult include reviews, articles, and photos. 
  1. Create a packing checklist
You just don’t prepare the things you’ll bring, you make a checklist. It won’t only help you track the items that you need in your bags, but will also provide you with a reference as you are arranging these items before going home. The list also helps inform you quickly if there are things forgotten. Include bed sheets and toiletries, especially for children camping. 
  1. The paperwork
For kids headed out for the camp, these include waivers and letters from the school administration. For the rest, these documents include permission from the state departments if you need to hunt in the location along with the activity. These also cover permits from landowners. 
  1. Your first aid kit
The basic rule is to prepare one additional capsule or tablet for each medication that is inside the first aid kit, or the medicines that campers will need. Prepare medicines including painkillers, and health items like bandages, antiseptics, and cotton. Keep them inside a bag which is handy, and easy to bring around. 

Summer Camping Don’ts

We decided to make this a checklist at the same time, in order to guide you during the adventure. Feel free to have them down on your notebook. 
  • Don’t judge people in the camp. Your tents or your cottages may be set up nearby other groups. Socialize decently.
  • Don’t be overwhelmed or feel nervous if you do not understand camping or survival skills procedures in the beginning. Everybody has felt this way, and this is part of the learning process. 
  • Don’t forget to set an alarm if you are with children, for instance. Teachers and organizers must be responsible for this. 
  • Don’t have inappropriate relationships with a camper, particularly if it is a camp that the school organized for its students or the office for its employees. 
  • Don’t hide away if you feel homesick. One of the best ways to combat this would be talking to the participants. 
  • Don’t forget to put sunscreen. 
  • Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. 
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