Monday, December 2, 2019

Primitive Survivors - How To Catch Giant Tuna On Lures

Imagine bringing home a giant tuna for dinner – that is, if you caught them. The giant tuna is a general term that is used to refer to various species like the Atlantic bluefin tuna. Also called as the tunny, these fish species exceed 900 kilograms in weight, and are native to the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. They were formerly abundant in the Black Sea, but circumstances have made them very extinct in this part of the world.
Primitive Survivors
Anglers love to head to the waters for these species. But wait, how does one catch giant tuna on lures?

Before fishing

Check on these points before heading to the expedition.

  1. Look at the weather forecast. You can either watch the television, hear the forecast on the radio, read them from a newspaper, or use your mobile phones. There is no ideal weather pattern when angling or fishing, but it is important to head over to the waters without encountering the winds in too much strength and roughness. It’s one of the first steps to really making a great catch, as with all other species.
  2. Prepare what to load on the boat. Early preparation is key, and if you ask if you can prepare 24 hours before or the night before, you still cannot. The giant tuna requires you to search for the right equipment, rod, and tackle to bring on the boat. Not only this, but you should also ensure that the gear is packed in a neat way and everyone will know where to get them. Don’t go shouting, “Where’s the gaff?” or “Where’s the harness?” It is not only stressful, but it is also unprofessional.
  3. Before you even set sail… Do you know what makes the best anglers get the best catch? They know where they are headed even before riding their boats. That is true, and while there might be a few changes and adjustments along the way, the information will provide you with very accurate sources of details on where to find the giant tuna. There are software and program that can offer information, and they can also be accessed via social media.

While on location

  1. Catch the signs. When you have set sail, the presence of birds will help you look for the tuna. Some of the other signs also include surface disturbance and current lines. There are also instances when elements floating in the water may lead to the bigger-sized fish wading along the way. It’s a skill that can be honed.
  2. Vary it up. The traditional technique for hunting the tuna is through trolling skirted lures. But there are more. Search for various brands and manufacturers that offer lures with features that will enable you to succeed in getting more catch within the day.
  3. Head over to the insides of the fish’s stomach. How can the stomach’s internal parts tell you about the best lure to have in the spread? It is possible because the color and the size of the baits being fed can tell a lot about the lure that you should have, and in turn, increase the chances of success.
  4. Avoid panic. The most common error that fishermen have when finally hooking the fish is thinking the next phases will be easier. They celebrate they panic, and get lost in translation. It is important to note that the tuna usually do not fight on the water surface. Rather, they fight in deep waters and they fight enormously. You must be prepared for these instances and more so you won’t lose what you have hooked. Stay calm.
With these tips in mind, you should find yourself more than ready on your next fishing trip for these giant tunas.
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