Friday, March 20, 2020

Primitive Survivors - Wild Bird Game Calls

Certain calls attract certain animals, that is why many terms and devices for hunting calls exist. Birds have their own set of calls that hunters use in order to attract them. There are different calls for different scenarios, and the challenge is learning when to use which. You can’t just mutter “gobble gobble” and expect a turkey to come out of their spot and approach you. 
Primitive Survivors
As a hunter, one of the things you should master is the different types of call since there is no one-size-fits-all type of call. You also need to know the purpose of your call. For instance, you might want to draw the game closer or just want to spook them out of their hiding place. 
If you want to learn more about the different game birds and the sounds that attract them, just keep reading. This article will tackle the use of making your own sounds, your mechanical device, or an electronic box.


Dozens of calls exist in order to lure turkeys for hunting. Wild turkeys are fickle and responsive to a variety of calls, such as:


Turkeys purr when they are satisfied and happy. With a diaphragm call, purr by just pushing air up from your chest and then fluttering your tongue. This may be one of the toughest wild bird game calls, so it will take a lot of practice to learn it.
Make your box call purr by just dragging the lid slowly and softly across the lip of the box. A push-pull box will purr if you use softer strokes when pushing the pin. 


A cluck is a friendly call that is used to get the turkey’s attention. You can pop air across the reed with a diaphragm call to produce a cluck. Just say the word “puck” or “putt” to produce the sound. You can also use a box call to make a cluck by popping the handle lightly on the sound lip. A push-pull call will emulate a cluck if you tap the pin against the palm of your hand or your leg.


Turkeys also communicate by yelping. This sound serves many purposes so it will be helpful to learn this sound when you’re hunting. Using a diaphragm call, simply slur two notes together, one high and one low. Try saying the word “chalk” while moving your jaw up and down. 
A box call will yelp if you move the handle a bit off to the side of the box and then close it, which will run two notes together.


The sound made by a  female turkey or a hen is called cutting. They do this when they are looking for a companion. To produce a cutting sound, simply string together several sharp and fast clucks using a diaphragm call. These sounds are staccato, meaning they are super short. Box calls are good for this. Just put pressure on the handle then tap fast and sharp clucks. 

Duck and Goose

Duck and goose hunting also requires the mastery of several kinds of calls.


The quack is the most basic call to grab attention. Make the quack sound clean and crisp.

Feed Call

This type of call, on the other hand, announces that there is food in their area. Say “tikkitukkatikka” into the call to do this.

Lonesome Hen Call

This type of call is the sound a female makes when she’s looking for a companion. It’s drawn-out, irregular and nasal “quaaaacks”.


The greeting call is simply “hello” in duck language. It’s a series of five to seven notes in descending order.
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