Friday, November 22, 2019

Primitive Survivors - How To Survive The Hot Weather

The summer solstice or the longest days are beginning to also cover places in several countries. It’s exciting, but this can also be frustrating. 
Primitive Survivors
The summer months aren’t only about the beach camps, the pool swimming, and the refreshments. Too much heat in the atmosphere may also harm the health in several ways. The most common summer months sicknesses are heat stroke, Lyme disease, food poisoning, allergies, sunburn, and more. 
Primitive Survivors, as you may well know, is also focused on the survival stuff. And we’re not going to forget about the most common question you may have this season – how to survive the hot weather? Here are the tips.
Prioritize cotton materials
Cotton is probably one of the most comfortable materials that you can use during higher temperatures. Whether for your bed sheets or for your clothing, you will need to set aside satin, silk, and polyester fabric to instead have light-colored linens (and clothing, as well) made of light cotton material. Be sure that they are breathable and best for promoting better ventilation and airflow. 
One of the greatest secrets for surviving any uncomfortable situation is improvisation. It is all in your mind. The first example is to provide yourself with a hot water bottle and during the winter, fill this with boiling water and once the summer arrives, place this is the freezer to prepare it for a bed-friendly ice pack. This is believed to also decrease your energy charges. 
There are also hacks that you can implement with your household equipment. For instance, you can use point boxes to fan out windows so they can push hot air out. Then, you may also adjust ceiling fan settings so blades run counter-clockwise, releasing hot air instead of having this circulate around the world, causing discomfort. 
Cool the body down
You can also damp a cold compress or ice pack over pulse points in your body, like your wrists, neck, elbows, groin, ankles, and behind your knees. This can ensure that your body is well-adjusted in the higher temperatures.
The ideal way to set up your bed and hammock outdoors
The idea is to set the bed, cot, or hammock as close to the ground as possible. Scientifically, getting them closer to the ground will minimize the heat attraction. If you are indoors, you can instead opt to sleep in your basement or ground floor instead of sleeping in your upper floors. 
Turn off the lights and unplug at night
These will give various meanings, and understanding them is quite exciting. Turn off the lights and even the night lamps since leaving them on may add to the humidity that you are experiencing. 
Then, unplug. This goes beyond literally pulling the plugs of your appliances but also unplugging from using your smartphones, social media, and other digital devices a few moments before sleeping. 
Rice to the rescue
A household item that can help you survive the hot weather is rice. Stock them on buckwheat pillows because they absorb heat which can, in turn, lessen the flow of hot air. Filling a sock with rice is also a recommended cold compress. However, be certain to tie them off and place in vacant freezer for about an hour or more. 
Befriend the hot weather. It’s alright to express yourself with how inconvenient the extreme heat is, but take heed of these tips to survive the season. Climate change is a real phenomenon, and only nature can adjust itself to change it all up for you. Taking action is still your responsibility.
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