Sunday, July 7, 2019

Primitive Survivors - Awesome Tips To Catch Giant Bluegills This Summer

Anglers are going nuts over bluegills, as it is regarded as one of the most highly anticipated species to catch. They are a species of freshwater fish, and part of the sunfish family Centrarchidae of the order Perciformes. Their habitats include streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes, and they’re also abundant in the eastern side of the Rockies.
Primitive Survivors
Growing up to 12 inches long and can weigh up to around 4.5 pounds, bluegills usually are found around and inside tree stumps. They are found either on deep or shallow waters, so they are very easy to fish. Their colors vary from school to school, but the common shades are deep blue, and purple on the face, with dark olive-colored bands and yellow or orange belly.

A question from the community: How do I catch bluegill?

Find out where the bluegills are
Bluegill spawns throughout the season in many areas, so they are found in the shallow parts of the ocean throughout the season. In several areas, summer’s spawning time for them, and they are found over beds. These can be spotted a few feet within vegetation to a few blocks out in the open water. In areas like South Florida, they will complete spawning by late in the summer and will be found in deeper water offshore when searching for cooler water.

Bluegills on the beds

For bluegills swimming the beds, there are techniques that you can implement for you to get the best ones successfully. As the fish spawns, the male ones dig out a depression in the sand, which they use to attract female bluegills to lay their eggs. Then, the male will protect these eggs until hatching into fry or newly-hatched species.

Among the baits to use include grass shrimp, crickets, or grubs for those on the beds. Since they tend to be more aggressive during this phase in their life span, you may also use small jigs, beetle spins, and sinking flies to get good ones.

How about those offshore?
The late summer means that the spawning process is about to end, and the water will now get warmer in the shallows. This is not the ideal habitat for these species. What they’ll do is to swim offshore to look for cooler conditions. Look deeper for the giant bluegill. Among the best recommendation is to cast or troll beetle spins, or actual beetles. You can also use crickets, worms, and grubs.

Tracking the fish
Tracking the bluegill is a skill that can be learned easily. During the summer, some anglers start tracking bluegill by searching for healthy, green weeds. Two of the best targets are coontail and milfoil since both create canopies over the surface and in the travel corridors underneath. This will make it a whole lot easier for you to catch these fish without competing with their predators. You can employ a basic slip-bobber rig with a tiny jig, or around 1/32 to ⅛-ounce jigheads with nightcrawler pinches or small leeches.

These are only a few tips, and you can definitely learn more. Watch out for more tips here on the Primitive Survivors website. Want some cool fishing gear and want to know where to find them? Visit our contact page today.

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